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St. Mary's Catholic Federation

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Pastoral Care and Wellbeing

At St Mary's Catholic Federation, Carshalton we are committed to our Mission Statement "to develop the full potential of each child, spiritually, intellectually, morally, emotionally, physically and socially".

The school is a community in which behaviour is based on mutual respect and consideration for others.

We prioritise the teaching of Health and Relationship Education, so that children have the knowledge of how to navigate our increasingly complex world. This is so that children know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way.

Sutton Schools Wellbeing Team

St. Mary's Catholic Federation, Carshalton is part of the Sutton Schools Wellbeing Team Cluster. The SSWT work within schools to provide an additional source of support to young people, their families and the schools that they go to. We offer support in a number of ways:

- Through a confidential and non-judgemental place to explore difficulties;

- Within 1:1 sessions;

- Through workshops for parents and carers.

Part of this provision includes access to 'Off The Record' support. 

Sutton Uplift - for parents and carers

Sutton Uplift is a Primary Care Mental Health service accessible to anyone living in the borough of Sutton, or registered with a Sutton GP, aged 18 or over. They support anyone who has a mental health or wellbeing need - whether this is due to emotional difficulties or life stressors:

Parents/carers or any adult who needs it can complete a self-referral here.


At St Mary’s, the mental health and well-being of every member of our school community is very important to us. We endeavour to support families with the tools and knowledge to best support and manage their child’s mental health and wellbeing. On this section of the website, we hope you find some valuable information and useful links to achieve this.


Always remember that if you have concerns about your child’s mental health and well-being, teachers at the school are always available for a meeting in order to find the best way to support you.


Book list





Helpful website links:






