Subject Leads
Infants - Mr Patrick
Juniors - Mr Patrick
Subject Intentions Statement - Pupils building confidence and creativity through a love of music.
Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. A high-quality music education should engage and inspire pupils resulting in an increase in their development to a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. As pupils progress, they should develop a critical engagement with music allowing them to perform, compose, and to listen to a variety of genres and culture whilst studying the inter-related dimensions of music.
Instrumental as well as singing within lessons is at the centre of the curriculum. It enhances their musical skills, develops their aural awareness and their ability to apply their knowledge and understanding in their compositions. Project work includes music from different cultures and times including the use of musical instruments and an introduction to reading music notation. The Sutton Music Service provides instrumental lessons for Years 2 and 4 under the Wider Opportunities Scheme. In Year 2 all the children learn to play the Djembe and Recorder and in Year 4 all children learn to play the Violin or Cello. Year 6 learn Ukulele in the Autumn Term, which builds on the instrumental skills from Year 4.
At the Junior school, Choir is open to all children as a morning school club and at the Infant’s school as a afterschool club for Year 2.
A hymn practice and Sing and Praise is held for the whole school on a regular basis, as a preparation for assemblies, masses and other religious celebrations.
Several peripatetic teachers provide extra-curricular lessons in guitar, violin, trumpet, trombone, cello and piano during class time in the Junior School and piano during class time in the Infant School. (There is a charge for these lessons and parents who wish their child to learn a musical instrument should place their names on a waiting list in the school office.)
The school aims, among other things, to develop children socially, culturally and spiritually. Music makes a significant contribution to all these areas and it is our aim for our children to leave our school confident that they have developed skills in performing, composing, listening and appraising and confident that they can express ideas and feelings through the medium of sound.
Topics for each year group -
Autumn - Me, myself and I and The Very Hopeless Camel
Spring - Come Outside, Terrific Tales
Summer - Ticket to Ride, Fun at the Seaside
Autumn - Me! And The little angel gets her wings
Spring - Everyone and Our world
Summer - Big Bear and Our stories
Year 1
Autumn - Christmas carols round the crib, Rhythm Still,/ Jack and the Beanstalk
Spring - Graphic Scare, Peter and the Wolf
Summer - The Gingerbread Man, Carnival of the Animals
Year 2
Autumn - Whole Class Diembe Drumming
Spring - Advent Service
Summer - Whole Class Glockenspiel
Year 3
Autumn - Musical Structure and the Nativity
Spring - Styles of Jazz, Indian Classical
Summer - Music of the Four Nations, Composing
Year 4
Autumn - Wider Opportunities Violin and Cello - Explore
Spring - Wider Opportunities Violin and Cello - First Finger
Summer - Wider Opportunities Violin and Cello - Perform
Year 5
Autumn - Musical Theatre
Spring - Charanga Yu Studio and Easter Reflection
Summer - Musical Notation
Year 6
Autumn - Whole Class Ukelele
Spring - Whole Class Ukelele
Summer - Production
Access the Music National Curriculum Link here:
Primary Music National Curriculum