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Subject Leads

Infants - Miss Said

Juniors - Mr Pratsis

Subject Intentions Statement - Pupils grow in their love for reading and writing, surrounded by a rich language environment to develop the confidence and skills to express themselves, both as authors of many purposes and to explore inspiring texts from all over the world and from authors of a variety of backgrounds. 

We love books at St Mary’s and enjoy studying them in the daily English lessons. The children understand that texts help with their own writing. Through sharing books and screen based texts as a class, the pupils get to know the characters and this helps them to understand their behaviour in the stories. Sometimes we use films, pictures by artists or drama to help in the writing processes. In addition to reading and writing we also investigate and learn phonics, spelling patterns and punctuation and classes have weekly dictation spelling tests in KS2. Books are provided for children to take home and read alone with their families and we have a school diary in which to record these. Pupils read regularly with their teachers in Guided Reading in small groups.

Access the English National Curriculum Link here:  

Primary English National Curriculum

English Policy



Driving Texts

English KS1 - Long Term Planning

English KS2 - Long Term Planning

Resources to support home learning - English