E-Safety - Parents/Guardians
Here at St. Mary's Catholic Federation, we use a number of tools to help the children understand how to use the internet safely. "Internet Legends" a programme from Google is one of these tools. You child should recognise Interland (below), as this is a childfriendly programme.
To make the most of the internet, children need to make smart decisions. Be Internet Legends empowers youngers children to use the web safely and wisely, so they can be confident explorers of the online world.
E-Safety (PSHE)
Year 1 - Media literacy and Digital resilience Year 1 (Using the internet and digital services; communicating online) How and why people use the internet The benefits of using the internet and digital services How people find things out and communicate safely with others online
Year 2 - The internet is everyday life, online content and information The ways in which people can access the internet e.g phone, tablets, computers To recognise the purpose and value of the internet in everyday life To recognise that some content on the internet is factual and some is for entertainment e.g news, games, videos That information online might not always be true
Year 3 - Media literacy and digital resilience How the internet is used; assessing information online How the internet can be used positively for leisure, for school and for work • To recognise that images and information online can be altered or adapted and the reasons for why this happens • Strategies to recognise whether something they see online is true or accurate • To evaluate whether a game is suitable to play or a website is appropriate for their age -group • To make safe, reliable choices from search results • How to report something seen or experienced online that concerns them e.g. images or content that worry them, unkind or inappropriate communication.
Year 4 - Media literacy and digital resilience How data is shared and used • that everything shared online has a digital footprint • that organisations can use personal information to encourage people to buy things • to recognise what online adverts look like • to compare content shared for factual purposes and for advertising • why people might choose to buy or not buy something online e.g. from seeing an advert • that search results are ordered based on the popularity of the website and that this can affect what information people access
Year 5 - Media Literacy and digital resilience How information online is targeted; different media types, their role and impact • to identify different types of media and their different purposes e.g. to entertain, inform, persuade or advertise • basic strategies to assess whether content online (e.g. research, news, reviews, blogs) is based on fact, opinion, or is biassed • that some media and online content promote stereotypes • how to assess which search results are more reliable than others • to recognise unsafe or suspicious content online • how devices store and share information
Year 6 - Media literacy and Digital resilience Evaluating media sources; sharing things online • about the benefits of safe internet use e.g. learning, connecting and communicating • how and why images online might be manipulated, altered, or faked • how to recognise when images might have been altered • why people choose to communicate through social media and some of the risks and challenges of doing so • that social media sites have age restrictions and regulations for use • the reasons why some media and online content is not appropriate for children • how online content can be designed to manipulate people’s emotions and encourage them to read or share things • about sharing things online, including rules and laws relating to this • how to recognise what is appropriate to share online • how to report inappropriate online content or contact
Useful E-Safety websites

E-Safety guidance for children with Special Educational Needs
Parents of children with special educational needs to to take extra care when their child is online.