Our SENCO is Mrs Quinn.
She can be contacted via Ms Nicol (PA to the Senior Leadership Team) either by telephone or by emailing senco@stmarysinfschool.org.uk.
Please view the attachments below for more information about SEN at St. Mary's Catholic Federation, Carshalton.
You can find our SEN Information Report and our local offer as attachments below.
Sutton’s Local Offer
Discover the support and services available for children and young people with SEND in Sutton. The Local Offer provides a range of resources and information about what you can access in the local area. Visit the Sutton Information Hub to explore the Local Offer: https://suttoninformationhub.org.uk/pages/send-local-offer
Sutton School Nursing Service
Our School Nurse is Patricia Butler, she can be contacted at Sutton Health Care and Alliance via telephone on 0208 770 5409.
We are now gradually restoring the school nursing service following the COVID-19 pandemic. Our contacts with children and young people will continue to take place via phone, video conferencing and face to face following social distancing recommendations.
Children, young people and families with any concerns can contact the school nursing service via phone. For parents the school nursing duty line number 0208 770 5409 from Monday to Friday 9-5pm. For children and young people who require support the contact number is 0208 770 4409 9-5pm, or email address is schoolnursing@sutton.gov.uk
The School Nursing service will also be running a series of parenting coffee morning, details on the leaflet below.
School readiness events and information: https://www.facebook.com/share/FoNJZ1nQUTSnS6jp/?mibextid=LQQJ4d