At St Mary's Catholic Federation, Carshalton we are committed to our Mission Statement "to develop the full potential of each child, spiritually, intellectually, morally, emotionally, physically and socially".
The school is a community in which behaviour is based on mutual respect and consideration for others. The class teacher, who knows each child well, is responsible for the care of children in his or her class, building on the good standards set in the home.
The values, standards and attitudes of the school community are made clear to the children by example and discussion so that they are absorbed by them and made their own. Rules exist governing behaviour within the school, and are designed to promote a safe and secure environment for all. Discipline is viewed from a Christian perspective with an emphasis on trying to help children understand their social responsibilities. Self-discipline is encouraged and children are taught to respect and value themselves as well as others. This is the truly Christian Ethic.
In any community there are however, always differences and occasionally difficulties arise. Children at St Mary’s can expect a fair and consistent approach to discipline and distinction is made between serious and minor misdemeanours. Procedures can be found in the school’s Positive Behaviour Policy.
Bullying of any form is not acceptable. All staff monitor children’s wellbeing constantly and all allegations of bullying are investigated. Procedures for dealing with bullying are in place and appropriate action is taken. (See school’s Positive Behaviour Policy)
It's important that our children have a say in making our school a better place and that, through their actions, they can make a difference. The School Council offers a forum for our children to be involved in the decision making process. When we all work together, we can make things happen.
The School Travel Plan encourages and facilitates choices towards sustainable travel and raises awareness of the links between active travel and healthy lifestyles. Children, parents, staff and other members of the school community embrace our School Travel Policy and walk to school pledge